Thursday, April 5, 2018

kuglof sa kafom i kardamomom - Coffee and Cardamom Bundt Cake

Uspela sam da zabrljam nezabrljivi recept. Kuglof je pravljen po receptu iz kuvara Sweet koji su napisali Yotam Ottolenghi i Helen Coh. A oni su adaptirali recept za Perfect Pound Cake iz fenomenalnog kuvara Cake Bible, koji je zgotovila Rose Levy Beranbaum.

Izgleda da nisam dobro podmazala kalup, ili prosto nisam izabrala adekvatan kalup. U svakom slučaju, ovaj izuzetno ukusan kolač nije ispao iz kalupa iz jednog komada. 

Kako je malo verovatno da će ubrzo ponovo doći na red da ga pravim, jer čekaju toliki drugi recepti, objavljujem ga ovako, prosto je toliko ukusan, da bi šteta bilo ne uraditi tako. Kako ne bi bio savršenog ukusa - kafa i kardamom sa puno putera i kakaom dobrog kvaliteta, u receptu iza koga stoje tri legende savremene kuhinje... ne treba kazati ni reč više...

Potrebni sastojci:
  • 90 ml punomasnog mleka sobne temperature, plus extra 20 ml zbog kafe
  • 6 većih jaja, sobne temperature
  • 2 kašikice ekstrakta vanile
  • 300 g brašna
  • kesica praška za pecivo
  • kašikica sode bikarbone
  • ½ kašikice soli
  • 300 g šećera
  • 300 g putera, omekšalog plus još malo da se namaže kalup
  • 1½ kašikica sveže mlevenog kardamoma
  • 1½ kašika instant kafe
  • 2 kašike kakaoa
  • 1½ kašika instant kafe
  • 45 ml mlakog punomasnog mleka
  • 240 g šećera u prahu
  • 30 g putera

1. Rernu zagrejati na 195°C. Podmazati i pobrašnjaviti kalup za kuglof.

2. Mleko, jaja i ekstrakt vanile ulupati lagano da se sjedine.

3. Prosejati brašno sa praškom za pecivo, solju i sodom bikarbonom. Staviti brašno u mikser pa ga miksati sa šećerom oko pola minute. Dodati puter i polovinu mešavine sa jajima, pa mešati dok se mase ne sjedine. Pojačati brzinu miksera i mutiti jedan minut. Sastrugati smesu sa zidova miksera, pa postepeno dodavati ostatak jaja.  

4. Podeliti smesu na dva dela. U jedan deo dodati mleveni kardamom. 

Ugrejati 20 ml mleka i u mleko umešati kafu i kakao, tako da smesa bude tečna. Ovo dodati u drugi deo smese od brašna. 

5. U kalup sipatipola bele smese, preko nje pola tamne, preko opet pola bele i na kraju ostatak tamne. Nožem blago proći kroz smese da se napravi mramorni efekat. Ne preterivati.

6. Peći 40–45 minuta, ili dok čačkalica ne potvrdi da je kolač gotov. Po vađenju iz rerne, ostaviti kolač da odmori u kalupu desetak minuta. Prevrnuti na rešetku da se ohladi u potpunosti. 

7. Za icing, umešati kafu u mleko, pa u to dodati šećer u prahu i puter. Mešati dok smesa ne postane glatka. Preliti preko ohlađenog kolača.

This recipe is adapted from the ‘Perfect Pound Cake’ recipe in Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Cake Bible. As it really is a perfect pound cake – moist and close-textured – it’s hard to do anything other than following Rose’s exact method. We diverge on one point, though: while Rose says that the cake doesn’t work in a large tin, we find that baking it in a bundt tin – where the tube in the middle enables the heat to distribute evenly through the cake as it bakes – works just fine.

This is best served once completely cool, to allow the flavours to develop. In an ideal world, you’d make it in the morning and serve it for six or eight hours after baking. We know that the difference
between the ideal and the reality is often great, however, so don’t lose sleep over a few hours here and there.

SERVES 10–12

  • 90 ml full-fat milk, at room temperature, plus an extra 20 ml for the coffee
  • 6 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 200 g self-raising flour
  • 100 g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 300 g caster sugar
  • 300 g unsalted butter, soft but not oily, diced, plus extra for greasing
  • 1½ tsp freshly ground cardamom
  • 1½ tbsp instant coffee granules
  • 2 tsp Dutch-processed cocoa powder
  • 1½ tbsp instant coffee granules
  • 45 ml full-fat milk, warmed
  • 240 g icing sugar sifted
  • 30 g unsalted butter softened

1. Preheat the oven to 195°C/175°C Fan/Gas Mark 5. Grease and flour a 23cm bundt tin and set aside.

2. For the cake, place the milk, eggs and vanilla extract in a medium bowl and lightly whisk, just to combine.

3. Sift the flours and salt directly into the bowl of an electric mixer with the paddle attachment in place, then add the sugar and mix on a low speed for 30 seconds. Add the butter and half of the egg mixture and continue to mix until the dry ingredients are incorporated. Increase the speed to medium and beat for 1 minute. Scrape down the sides of the bowl, then gradually add the remaining egg mixture, in two batches, making sure the first batch is fully incorporated before adding the next. Don’t worry if your batter looks slightly split: it’s due to the large proportion of eggs in the mix, but it won’t affect the final result.

4. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and divide the mixture into two bowls. Add the ground cardamom to one bowl and fold to combine. Warm the extra 20ml of milk in a small saucepan, then place in a small bowl with the coffee granules and cocoa powder. Stir until the coffee dissolves and the consistency is that of thick but pourable milk. Combine this with the cake mixture in the second bowl.

5. Spoon the two mixtures into the prepared tin in four alternate blocks, two of each colour, then use a skewer or small knife to make a zigzag-shaped swirl once through the mix, to create a marble effect. Do not be tempted to overdo the swirling as you will lose the effect of the marbling.

6. Bake for 40–45 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Remove from the oven and set aside for 10 minutes. The cake tends to the dome in the oven, so if this happens and you want a perfectly flat base (the top will become the bottom once it’s inverted), just slice off the top to flatten it out before turning the cake out on to a wire rack to cool completely.

7. To make the icing, combine the coffee and warm milk in a small mixing bowl. Add the icing sugar to the coffee mixture, together with the soft butter. Whisk until smooth and thick, then spoon all over the cooled cake, so that it drips unevenly down the sides. Allow the icing to set slightly before serving.

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